3v3 Soccer

The Fieldhouse 3v3 Soccer Tournament is a three-day event, April 23-24-25, at The Fieldhouse. There are four divisions (Grades 4-6, Grades 6-8, High School Boys and High School Girls). There will be two days of round robin play followed by playoffs on the final day.


April 23-25

9 AM-Noon: Grades 4-5 Co-Ed Division and Grades 6-8 Co-Ed Division.

12:30-3:30 PM: High School Boys Division and High School Girls Division.


$90 per person

*Discount available for FAC members


Teams must have a minimum of four players and a max of five.

Games are 10 minutes. Each team will play a minimum of three games per day. Extra games will be scheduled if time permits.

First two days are round robin games. Third day is playoffs.

FAC coaches and staff will lead players through a warmup each day.


Each team will get a trophy and each player on the winning team will receive a high-quality reversible FAC practice shirt.

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